Board of Directors (BOD) and Board of Commissioners (BOC) of PT United Tractors Tbk at the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) (left photo), BOD and new members of directors (right photo).
JAKARTA: On Wednesday, 12 April 2023, United Tractors (“UT/ the Company”) conducted the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“AGMS”) at Catur Dharma Hall Menara Astra, Jakarta.
The AGMS adopted the resolutions in brief as follows:
1. Approved the Annual Report for the Financial Year 2022, including the ratification of the Supervisory Report of Board of Commissioners and ratification of the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company and Subsidiaries for the Financial Year 2022 audited by the Public Accounting Firm of Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan, as stated in its report dated 23 February 2023 rendering fair opinion in all material respects,
2. Approved the utilization of profits of Rp21.0 trillion as follows:
– to distribute as a cash dividend of Rp7,003 per share or equal to the total amount of Rp25.5 trillion, including the interim dividend in the amount of Rp818 per share or equal to the total amount of Rp3.0 trillion, has been paid on 24 October 2022, whereas the remaining amount of Rp6,185 per share or equal to the total amount of Rp22.5 trillion will be distributed to each shareholder (whose names are listed in the shareholders’ registry on 2 May 2023 at 04.00 PM IWT) on 12 May 2023,
3. Appointed member of the Board of Commissioners of the Company for the term of office 2023-2025, as follows:
President Commissioner : Djony Bunarto Tjondro
Vice President Commissioner : Gidion Hasan
Commissioner : Djoko Pranoto Santoso
Commissioner : Benjamin Herrenden Birks
Independent Commissioner : Paulus Bambang Widjanarko
Independent Commissioner : Nanan Soekarna
Appointed member of the Board of Directors of the Company for the term of office 2023-2025, as follows:
President Director : Frans Kesuma
Director : Loudy Irwanto Ellias
Director : Iwan Hadiantoro
Director : Idot Supriadi
Director : Edhie Sarwono
Director : Widjaja Kartika
4. Authorized the Board of Commissioners of the Company to determine the amount of remuneration and allowances of the Board of Directors, by taking into consideration the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Company; and approved the determination of salary or honorarium and allowances of the Board of Commissioners of the Company for the year 2023-2024,
5. Appointed Public Accountant Firm Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan one of the public accounting firms in Indonesia, registered in the Financial Services Authority to audit the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company and Subsidiaries for the financial year of 2023.
United Tractors’s Sustainability Aspirations
PT United Tractors Tbk (the Company) keeps expanding alongside Indonesia’s economic growth by consistently providing sustainable added value to its stakeholders. The Company is bringing this aspiration to life by running strong Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) management that benefits the community and the environment around its operational areas.
The Company applies a leading-edge and environmentally friendly technology approach through its products, services, and business processes to provide sustainable added value creation for the prosperity of the entire nation. The Company has consistently committed to contributing to the nation’s growth through good corporate governance and sustainable and responsible business practices.
United Tractors’ Ten Sustainability Aspirations for 2030 are divided into three ESG aspects.
On the environmental aspect, the Company is targeting a 30% reduction in scope 1 and 2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG), a 22% renewable energy mix to support operational activities, more efficient and effective water management in each business unit category, and diverted solid waste up to 62%.
On the social aspect, the Company supports diversity, equality, and inclusiveness within the Company, achieves zero workforce fatality and an LTI rate of 0.093, and reaches 750,000 beneficiaries through community development programs to create added value.
In the aspect of governance, the Company maintains business resilience by increasing non-coal revenue contribution by up to 50%, supporting diversity and inclusiveness at the executive levels, as well as strengthening corporate governance with international standards to maintain the principles of good corporate governance (GCG).
United Tractors’ Overview
PT United Tractors Tbk (UT) which is known as the largest heavy equipment distributor in Indonesia has been established since 1972. Currently, UT has grown and has six business pillars, namely Construction Machinery, Mining Contracting, Coal Mining, Gold Mining, Construction Industry, and Energy. As its contributions to the achievement of Sustainable Development targets (SDGs). UT consistently carries out activities to uphold sustainability.
For more information, please contact:
Sara K. Loebis Corporate Secretary PT United Tractors Tbk
Email : ir@unitedtractors.com Alamat : Jl. Raya Bekasi Km.22 Cakung, Jakarta Timur 13910 Telp. : (62-21) 3511961, Fax : (62-21) 3441413 Medsos : IG (@unitedtractorsofficial & @ceritadi.ut) Website : www.unitedtractors.com LinkedIn : PT United Tractors Tbk |