A picture of UT volunteers and committees, along with committees from Volunteer Doctors with Bumi Disabilitas community members.
Bandung, August 27th, 2022 – PT United Tractors (UT) held an Employee Voluntary Day program named “Fun Day With Bumi Disabilitas” at Hanjuang Siang Village, Pengalengan, Bandung. This program aims to increase awareness and knowledge of Children with Disabilities (ADD) about reproductive health.
As part of UT 50th Anniversary and Independence day of Republic of Indonesia, these activities were filled with a series of educational talk shows about reproductive health, children with disabilities growth and development for parents and teenagers with disabilities, independence day competitions, health check for parents and children, art performances, as well as health webinar held through hybrid mode.
“This program is our contribution to increase awareness for all elements of society, including people with disabilities about reproductive health,” said Ornella Elizabeth, UT CSR Team Leader for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion.
Ornella Elizabeth, CSR Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Team Leader (upper left photo), delivered her opening remarks to parents about the growth and development of children with special needs (ABK). The representative of employee volunteers, Amalik from YKBUT (right photo) presented the symbolic appreciation to the webinar speakers.
50 children with disabilities along with 50 parents from Bumi Disabilitas community and SOINA (Special Olympic Indonesia) participated in both online and offline activities.
50 UT employees from all divisions and UT foundations together with 70 Volunteers Doctors, Bumi Disabilitas, and UT Youth Movement participated as facilitators.
The involvement of employees and the fostered community in this activity was part of UT’s inclusivity in order to enhance the welfare and health of children with disabilities.
UT ESG Implementation
United Tractors understands the importance of improving adolescent reproductive health reproduction to reduce stunting prevalence in Indonesia. Therefore this activity becomes part of the Company’s responsibility in implementing ESG principles.
“United Tractors is committed in improving sustainable business aspects including the application of Environmental, Social, & Governance (ESG) principles in each of its operations. CSR is one way to spread the Company’s goals for the future of the nation and the state,” said UT Corporate Secretary, Sara Loebis.
The implementation of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) in each of UT’s operational activities by providing opportunities for children with disabilities to engage and participate in public spaces is UT’s effort to facilitate prosperity and sustainability for the Indonesian people in all of UT’s areas.