Djony Bunarto Tjondro
Indonesian citizen, domiciled in Jakarta.
He completed his studies in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Trisakti University in 1989 and Indonesia Management Development Institute (IPMI) – Monash Mt. Eliza Business School, Australia in 1996.
He appointed as the President Commissioner of the Company based on the Resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) dated June 11, 2020 and reappointed based on the Resolution of the AGM dated April 12, 2023.
He concurrently serves as Chairman of the Company’s Nomination and Remuneration Committee, President Commissioner of PT Toyota-Astra Motor, PT Pamapersada Nusantara, PT Astra Digital International and PT Astra Honda Motor as well as President Director of PT Astra International Tbk.
He has served, among others, as President Director of PT Astra Sedaya Finance (2009-2013), Chief Executive of PT Astra International Tbk – Daihatsu Sales Operation (2013-2018), President Commissioner of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk (2015-2018), Vice President Commissioner of PT Astra Daihatsu Motor and PT Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia (2016-2018), as well as Commissioner of PT Astra Sedaya Finance (2016-2020), PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk and Commissioner of the Company (2017-2020).
He has no affiliation relationship with other members of the Board of Commissioners, members of the Board of Directors, or with the controlling shareholders.