Widjaja Kartika
Indonesian citizen, domiciled in Jakarta.
He graduated with a Bachelor of Fisheries (S.Pi) in Marine Science and Technology Study Program at Bogor Agricultural University in 1993.
He appointed as the Director of the Company based on the AGMS dated April 12, 2023.
He concurrently serves as Branch Head, Deputy General Manager, General Manager, and Director and Commissioner for several ACSET subsidiaries.
Joined the Company Group in 1995 as a Salesman (Business Consultant). In 2015 he served as Chief of Corporate Procurement at PT Acset Indonusa Tbk. Served as Director of Marketing & Product Support at PT Traktor Nusantara since January 2018 and as President Director of PT Traktor Nusantara since April 2019.
He has no affiliation relationship with other members of the Board of Directors, members of the Board of Commissioners, or with the controlling shareholders.