UT School (UTS), an educational institution under PT United Tractors Tbk (UT), demonstrates its commitment to developing the competencies of Indonesia’s young generation through heavy equipment training. This program aims to produce skilled heavy equipment operators and contribute to preparing and cultivating food estate land in Indonesia’s easternmost region. The opening ceremony of the heavy equipment operator training program takes place at the Headquarters of the Combat Engineer Detachment (Denzipur) 11/Mit Anim in Merauke Regency, South Papua Province, on Thursday, December 5, 2024.
In his speech, the Commander of Denzipur 11/Mit Anim, Captain Czi Eka Rian Novyanda, expresses his appreciation for the training program. “This program is highly beneficial as it has a significant positive impact. It uplifts and educates the people of Papua and supports the government’s food security program. We believe the collaboration between Denzipur 11/Mit Anim and UT School can help realize a professional, intelligent, and high-quality community in Merauke,” said Eka.
Similarly, the Head of the Manpower, Transmigration, and Energy and Mineral Resources Office of South Papua Province, Lambertus Fatruan, extended his gratitude to UT School for its contributions to improving the skills of Indigenous Papuans (OAP). “This is a tangible example of UT School’s contribution to educating the nation, especially the people of Papua,” Lambertus said.
The training organized by UT School is part of its support for the National Strategic Program (PSN) on Enhancing National Food Supply, initiated by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. The government plans to develop one million hectares of rice fields in Merauke Regency, South Papua Province. The success of this program requires active contributions from various stakeholders, including the private sector.
The Food Estate concept is an integrated food area development program encompassing activities such as agriculture, plantations, and livestock to enhance national food security. This program focuses on increasing food production and building infrastructure, sustainably managing natural resources, and empowering local communities to support a competitive food system.
Deputy Director of KIPL UT School, Syaifuddin Zuhri, explains that the training program is attended by 10 OAP participants who successfully passed the selection process out of 179 applicants. “The training began with a three-day Mental and Attitude Development (Bintaslik) session at the Denzipur 11/Mit Anim Headquarters in Tanah Miring District, Merauke. It was followed by five days of in-class training and 16 days of basic hydraulic excavator operation practice, targeting 10 operational hours per participant. The training concludes with a three-month on-the-job training phase. We hope all participants can operate hydraulic excavators correctly and safely, including creating irrigation ditches for rice fields,” said Syaifuddin Zuhri.
Through this program, UT School aims to contribute meaningfully to the development of human resources in Papua, support national food security, and empower local communities to participate actively in regional development. Founded in 2008, UT School envisions becoming the world’s leading vocational training institution for heavy equipment mechanics and operators. By 2025, UT School plans to expand to 23 branches, ensuring a broader presence across Indonesia.