The planting of mangroves was carried out symbolically by the UT Group Management with West Java Government, TNI, and Polri in Muara Tawar.

The planting of mangroves was carried out symbolically by the UT Group Management with West Java Government, TNI, and Polri in Muara Tawar.

Bekasi, May 15th, 2023 – PT United Tractors Tbk (UT) Group, once more, took concrete steps to deliver a positive impact to the environment. This time, along with subsidiaries, PT Acset Indonusa Tbk, Yayasan Karya Bakti United Tractors (YKBUT), Mitra Bakti United Tractors (MBUT) in collaboration with the West Java Government, TNI, and Polri to plant 10,000 mangroves at the Centre for Mangrove Restoration and Learning (PRPM) Muara Tawar, Bekasi Regency, West Java Province.

PRPM Muara Tawar is one of the conservation areas where UT Group is trying to increase carbon absorption and support the preservation of mangrove forest ecosystems in Indonesia. From 2022 to May 2023, UT Group planted 29,000 mangrove seedlings in this area. The Company carries out this effort to realize sustainability for the community through Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) implementation.

On the other hand, the planting of mangroves is based on the issue of climate change, which causes the threat of sinking in several areas on the north coast of Java island, including Jakarta. This activity implements the 14th SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) plan to preserve sustainable marine and coastal management.

Representative of UT Group (HC & SHESSR Division Head ACSET), Rustiar, said in his speech that UT Group commits to consistently carry out CSR in the environmental field UTREES (United Tractors for Nature and Environment Sustainability) by taking one concrete step through planting mangrove.

“Tree planting program that the UT Group is carrying out does not only stop at planting plant seeds in coastal areas, but also what is the focus of the Company is cooperation with local communities to protect coastal ecosystems together in order to create sustainable environmental improvements,” said Rustiar.

The UT Group strives to realize sustainable development by collaborating to plant mangroves in Muara Tawar as this area is a centre that is not only focused on mangroves to provide benefits for environmental sustainability but also introduces MSMEs as an effort to improve the economy of its surrounding community.

“The exemplary steps that UT Group has taken is able to deliver a positive impact on the environment and society. The local community and I continue to be committed to caring about protecting the mangrove trees that have been planted, with the hope this mangrove area can provide extraordinary benefits for the environment and coastal communities in this area,” said Pangkolinlamil Aspotmar, Teguh Iman Wibowo.

Through this collaboration, UT Group hopes that this activity can continue to be established in a consistent and sustainably form to effectively provide benefits and added value in preventing climate change and improve the welfare of local residents who use mangrove forest resources to support their daily lives.

This program was also attended by UT Group representatives, including Mujoko (YKBUT CSR Head), Dimas Aryo (UT CSR Leader), and Rustiar (HC & SHESSR Division Head ACSET). In addition, this activity was also attended by the Maritime Potential Assistant for the Military Cross-Sea Command (ASPOTMAR KOLINLAMIL), and the District Police Chief (Kapolres) Kab. Bekasi, District Military Commander (Dandim) Kab. Bekasi, Head of the Kesyahbandaran and Port Authority Office (KSOP), Regional Assistant 2 for Bekasi Regency, and Taruma Jaya Sub-District Head.


United Tractors’ Overview

PT United Tractors Tbk (UT) which is known as the largest heavy equipment distributor in Indonesia has been established since 1972. Currently, UT has grown and has six business pillars, namely Construction Machinery, Mining Contracting, Coal Mining, Gold Mining, Construction Industry, and Energy. As its contributions to the achievement of Sustainable Development targets (SDGs). UT consistently carries out activities to uphold sustainability.

ESG United Tractors

As a world-class heavy equipment, mining and energy company with more than 50 years of experience in Indonesia, UT is committed to presenting a sustainable future for Indonesia through the effective application of ESG principles by paying attention to the environment, having a good impact on society, and upholding good corporate governance. good corporate governance at all levels of its business operations, as well as optimizing its competencies, expertise, and strategic assets to bring added value to all stakeholders and the Indonesian people.

For more information, please contact:


Sara K. Loebis

Head of Corporate Governance and Sustainability Division

PT United Tractors Tbk

Email :

Address : Jl. Raya Bekasi Km.22 Cakung, Jakarta Timur 13910

Telp. : (62-21) 3511961, Fax : (62-21) 3441413

Medsos : IG (@unitedtractorsofficial & @ceritadi.ut)


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