Komjen Pol. (Purn) Drs. Nanan Soekarna
Indonesia citizen, domiciled in Jakarta.
He is a retired Indonesian National Police officer with the last rank was Police Commissioner General. Graduated from Police Academy in 1978, Police University (PTIK) in 1986, SESPIM POL in 1995, SESKOGAB in 1999, and LEMHANNAS in 2005.
Appointed as Independent Commissioner of the Company since April 2015 and reappointed for the third term of office on April 12, 2023 based on the resolution of Annual GMS. The Company has received an independence statement in connection with his appointment as Independent Commissioner for the fourth term of office.
He concurrently serves as the Chairman of the Company’s Nomination and Remuneration Committee and Independent Commissioner of PT Eagle High Plantations Tbk (previously named PT BW Plantation Tbk).
He began his career in Indonesian National Police as Unit Chief of Patko Sabhara Polda Metro Jaya in 1979 and then assigned in several Police Unit in some Indonesia’s regions. Previously served as, Deputy Chief of Polda Metro Jaya (2003-2004), Head of West Kalimantan Police Department (2004-2006), Police chief expert staff in socio-politics (2006-2008), Head of North Sumatra Police Department (2008-2009), Inspector of General Supervision of Polri (2009-2011), and Deputy Chief of National Police (2011-2013). Previously also served as a member of UN peacekeeping force, including UNTAG in Namibia, South Africa in 1990 and UNTAC in Cambodia in 1992; as well as joining overseas trainings and seminars for Police.
He has no affiliation relationship with other members of the Board of Commissioners, members of the Board of Directors, or with the controlling shareholders.